December's birthstone - Tanzanite

When December arrives, the festive feeling immediately permeates us. It's no secret that December is directly associated with Christmas and the new year.
Anyone lucky enough to be born in December has a choice of three beautiful birthstones: turquoise, zircon, and the newest addition, Tanzanite.

Tanzanite in the professinal jargon is actually a Zoisite with a blue color. It is very rare, due to it being found in only one place on earth – in the Merelani Hills of Tanzania, the name Tanzanite was given.

Tanzanite is believed to breakdown negativity turning it to the positive side.
You might use it to dispel laziness or idleness. The Masai tribe, home of Tanzanite, have always believed that Tanzanite can bring good health and long life to a newborn baby.

Tanzanites come in a stunning array of blue tones, ranging from deep velvety blue to light purple. The color that is the most highly prized and valuable is the pure rich blue-violet.
Tanzanite has became to be one of the most popular colored gemstones, and every time we get the chance to design a ring with this one of a kind gems, we are thrilled of the result.
For more info & custom designs please don't hesitate to email us -
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Be silly, be shiny, healthy & happy,
Xo, Shanie
Silly Shiny Diamonds